Selected Publications


Selected Articles and Videos

Creative tension: What links Aristotle, William Blake Darwin and GM Crops (2000) Nature Vol 403 p 135.

What makes genetically modified organisms so distasteful? (2001) Trends in Biotechnology 19: Vol 19, p 424 - 427.

Zones of Inhibition: interactions between art and science (2003) Endeavour Vol 27, p 131-133.

Scientific Citizenship and Good Governance: Implications for Biotechnology (2006) Trends Biotech Vol 24, p 57 - 61.

Art vs Science: CP Snow’s Two Cultures' 50 Years On (2015)

William Blake, the Single Vision and Newton’s Sleep. Book review by Sibylle Erle (2023) Vala Issue 4, page 125.

A Scientific Legacy, Blake’s Romantic Impulse and its Consequences for our Industrial Revolution’, in Literature and Science in the 19th Century, ed. by Pamala K. Gilbert (2024) In Press.

William Blake vs Richard Dawkins and The God Delusion (2024) In Press.

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